
GTM Healthcare



GTM Group Healthcare brings years of Technology Leadership that helps us understand and highlight the best solutions as we bridge relationships with fast-moving hospitals, physician practices, and health systems at the highest level. Our experience with large enterprise and regional health organizations (for-profit and not-for- profit) is extensive. We have a thorough knowledge of the many ways healthcare can be delivered to serve patients and the importance of applying the right technology to solve today's needs with products that scale well into the future. Our staff facilitates qualified introductions and the ongoing transition to a meaningful partnership for all concerned. GTM Group Healthcare – Connecting Healthcare’s best and brightest.


Our process

01 Assess

Assess the product or service to capably represent value proposition

02 Identify

Identify the right contact at the right agency

03 Understand

Understand governmental entity budgeting and state appropriations

04 Meet

 Meet top down and bottom up

05 Opportunity Identification

Identifying the right markets that would make a good fit for the product or service

06 Advocate

When warranted, advocate for public policy changes that could necessitate the purchase of a client’s goods or services – or advocate for the appropriations of funds for a specific use
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